Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 5th of July!!!

Happy day after the 4th of July!  Had a great time celebrating with the family yesterday. Hope you did, too!
    Today we got into a little of the nitty gritty of bits, bytes and servers.  Interesting stuff but so much information if you think about it!  We also learned about Wikis and how great they are for collaboration.  A good resource for maybe fourth graders and up the grades from there.  All very useful but I think I'll just stick to this blog for right now. Don't want to take on too much, too soon.  Tomorrow is our last day of tech class. It went by faster than I'd thought and it got me to blog (finally!!!) so I'm happy to have taken it.

    Took a couple of minutes to look through my board games today. I'd like to make some new ones for this school year and revamp some existing games.  Here's one I made a while back that I still use. It's a basic beginning syllable rec game but I hope you enjoy it.

¡Hasta mañana!


  1. I think your board games are great! Going from teaching second to 1/2, I know I'll need to use these types of resources next year, thanks for sharing!

    Mrs. Castro's Class
